
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 11 3 / 8 27 --
Season 230 105 / 125 45 1612
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
27658 Lose 1612 (-27) 2022-12-01 2:50 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Wolfkiller Human Паладин 783606 463423 1 0 1657 (+27) 1558 (+34)
Jeyt Human Охотник 843071 261310 0 0 1656 (+27) 1651 (+27)
Understated Human Охотник 466339 593282 0 1 1611 (-27) 1612 (-27)
Youngmonstr Human Паладин 346107 305446 0 0 1581 (-25) 1381 (0)
27402 Lose 1639 (-19) 2022-11-30 9:47 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 10928771 3855348 2 0 1818 (+11) 1818 (+11)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 422452 7840930 0 0 1738 (+15) 1751 (+14)
Understated Human Охотник 10480431 3956756 0 1 1638 (-19) 1639 (-19)
Krq Human Паладин 328726 7834583 0 1 1392 (-7) 1373 (-12)
27399 Win 1658 (+38) 2022-11-30 2:09 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Understated Human Охотник 485098 50805 0 0 1657 (+38) 1658 (+38)
Imnotgeared Human Паладин 1279213 419736 1 0 1539 (+45) 1554 (+44)
Crripey Human Охотник 832877 209329 0 1 1796 (-35) 1796 (-35)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 0 639570 0 0 1708 (-32) 1723 (-33)
27397 Lose 1620 (-18) 2022-11-30 2:21 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 1641810 556290 1 0 1831 (+12) 1831 (+12)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 4241 2201084 0 0 1740 (+17) 1756 (+17)
Understated Human Охотник 1362968 305934 0 0 1619 (-18) 1620 (-18)
Imnotgeared Human Паладин 1643172 677772 0 1 1494 (-11) 1510 (-11)
27394 Lose 1659 (-23) 2022-11-30 2:04 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 1322928 336143 2 0 1798 (+13) 1798 (+13)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 16356 1004963 0 0 1693 (+19) 1711 (+18)
Understated Human Охотник 530028 121495 0 1 1658 (-23) 1659 (-23)
Krq Human Паладин 788191 164191 0 1 1414 (-9) 1411 (-16)
27392 Win 1682 (+35) 2022-11-30 3:42 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Understated Human Охотник 2334809 92840 0 0 1681 (+35) 1682 (+35)
Krq Human Паладин 2527322 0 1 0 1423 (+48) 1427 (+87)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 147195 4334312 0 1 1674 (-33) 1693 (-33)
27390 Lose 1647 (-21) 2022-11-30 2:46 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 879883 324156 1 0 1821 (+11) 1821 (+11)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 9814 1129323 0 0 1707 (+17) 1726 (+16)
Understated Human Охотник 943617 68905 0 0 1646 (-21) 1647 (-21)
Krq Human Паладин 603105 422706 0 1 1375 (-7) 1340 (-10)
27389 Lose 1668 (-24) 2022-11-30 1:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 480731 92933 1 0 1810 (+12) 1810 (+12)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 46428 30327 0 0 1690 (+19) 1710 (+17)
Understated Human Охотник 65773 127221 0 0 1667 (-24) 1668 (-24)
Krq Human Паладин 0 0 0 1 1382 (-7) 1350 (-12)
27387 Lose 1692 (-27) 2022-11-30 6:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crripey Human Охотник 6333230 2625277 1 0 1798 (+13) 1798 (+13)
Codrinn Undead Жрец 291309 3145233 1 0 1671 (+21) 1693 (+20)
Understated Human Охотник 4428639 1933970 0 1 1691 (-27) 1692 (-27)
Krq Human Паладин 130999 4243264 0 1 1389 (-8) 1362 (-14)
27385 Win 1719 (+13) 2022-11-30 2:18 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Understated Human Охотник 1219618 544171 1 0 1718 (+13) 1719 (+13)
Krq Human Паладин 54706 942287 0 0 1397 (+34) 1376 (+67)
Youngmonstr Human Паладин 1088125 349439 0 0 1606 (-30) 1381 (0)
Whisk Human Маг 163409 231539 0 1 1281 (-12) 1185 (-14)