
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 53 32 / 21 60 1776
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
22033 Lose 864 (0) 2021-10-08 7:09 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кицямуркиця Night Elf Друид 376533 11728645 1 0 1738 (+23) 1716 (+24)
Worstelemop Dwarf Шаман 6902748 1774177 1 0 1746 (+22) 1727 (+23)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 13153169 919061 1 0 1700 (+25) 1685 (+27)
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 116318 17474860 0 1 1574 (-19) 864 (0)
Volondemort Human Маг 4904898 410600 0 1 1649 (-24) 1637 (-23)
Leatherman Human Воин 7695107 203127 0 1 1642 (-24) 672 (0)
22026 Lose 864 (0) 2021-10-08 7:43 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кицямуркиця Night Elf Друид 52549 15382391 0 0 1715 (+26) 1692 (+28)
Worstelemop Dwarf Шаман 8114959 1731864 0 0 1724 (+26) 1704 (+27)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 16060115 1686076 1 0 1675 (+29) 1658 (+30)
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 1227 22193495 0 0 1593 (-22) 864 (0)
Volondemort Human Маг 6696689 576388 0 1 1673 (-27) 1660 (-27)
Leatherman Human Воин 9259701 202942 0 0 1666 (-27) 672 (0)
22024 Win 864 (+96) 2021-10-08 1:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 0 525386 0 0 1615 (+23) 864 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 786639 17129 1 0 1700 (+18) 1687 (+18)
Leatherman Human Воин 930872 0 1 0 1693 (+18) 672 (+96)
Juana Dwarf Шаман 0 424960 0 0 1506 (-18) 96 (0)
Funnyheroy Human Маг 571258 58695 0 1 1556 (-22) 1563 (-22)
Tøuchofdeath Human Монах 87370 61566 0 1 1481 (-17) 96 (0)
22020 Win 768 (+96) 2021-10-08 3:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 15440 5900798 0 0 1592 (+24) 768 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 2978037 263680 0 0 1682 (+17) 1669 (+18)
Leatherman Human Воин 3510105 0 1 0 1675 (+18) 576 (+96)
Juana Dwarf Шаман 369088 5010088 0 0 1482 (-18) 0 (0)
Funnyheroy Human Маг 2867128 164874 0 1 1539 (-22) 1547 (-22)
Tøuchofdeath Human Монах 3083932 879348 0 0 1455 (-16) 0 (0)
22017 Win 672 (+96) 2021-10-08 2:30 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 26133 960828 0 0 1568 (+36) 672 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 1470296 124411 0 0 1665 (+29) 1651 (+30)
Leatherman Human Воин 1652976 0 2 0 1657 (+30) 480 (+96)
Ostosbigego Human Разбойник 414599 67398 0 0 1565 (-26) 1520 (-23)
Easyboømy Night Elf Друид 710454 186840 0 1 1684 (-30) 1603 (-27)
Reetshankkz Dwarf Шаман 0 1236262 0 1 1638 (-29) 1522 (0)
22013 Win 576 (+96) 2021-10-08 3:55 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 48468 2392465 1 0 1532 (+36) 576 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 2701167 0 0 0 1636 (+28) 1621 (+29)
Leatherman Human Воин 3481737 0 1 0 1627 (+29) 384 (+96)
Ostosbigego Human Разбойник 1483176 197703 0 0 1591 (-28) 1543 (-27)
Dmforcoach Night Elf Друид 0 3773492 0 1 1603 (-29) 1321 (0)
Kentx Human Маг 768871 247889 0 1 1581 (-28) 1056 (0)
22010 Win 480 (+96) 2021-10-08 2:13 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 58203 1494245 0 0 1496 (+40) 480 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 1287865 6864 2 0 1608 (+33) 1592 (+34)
Leatherman Human Воин 1187352 0 0 0 1598 (+33) 288 (+96)
Ostosbigego Human Разбойник 504656 13874 0 1 1619 (-30) 1570 (-29)
Dmforcoach Night Elf Друид 0 907256 0 0 1632 (-31) 1321 (0)
Kentx Human Маг 828263 130100 0 1 1609 (-30) 1056 (0)
22002 Win 384 (+96) 2021-10-08 5:38 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 76881 4823786 0 0 1456 (+44) 384 (+96)
Volondemort Human Маг 6333201 34381 1 0 1575 (+37) 1558 (+71)
Leatherman Human Воин 5741452 60795 2 0 1565 (+38) 192 (+96)
Ostosbigego Human Разбойник 1707058 322563 0 1 1649 (-32) 1599 (-31)
Dmforcoach Night Elf Друид 13425 8902518 0 1 1663 (-33) 1321 (0)
Kentx Human Маг 2809418 443548 0 1 1639 (-32) 1056 (0)
20835 Lose 288 (0) 2021-10-06 2:37 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кицямуркиця Night Elf Друид 11356 4125592 0 0 1697 (+12) 1659 (+15)
Worstelemop Dwarf Шаман 2774086 1223544 0 0 1709 (+12) 1685 (+13)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 4152600 566032 2 0 1681 (+13) 1651 (+15)
Frearzdogx Human Рыцарь Смерти 2905778 522793 0 1 1458 (-13) 192 (0)
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 7696 4849288 0 0 1412 (-11) 288 (0)
Volondemort Human Маг 2023833 171759 0 1 1412 (-11) 288 (0)
20833 Lose 288 (0) 2021-10-06 1:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кицямуркиця Night Elf Друид 0 1318850 0 0 1685 (+14) 1644 (+16)
Worstelemop Dwarf Шаман 1195571 855285 0 0 1697 (+13) 1672 (+14)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 1331215 84015 2 0 1668 (+15) 1636 (+17)
Frearzdogx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1181864 60902 0 1 1471 (-15) 192 (0)
Gipsycrusade Human Паладин 0 830166 0 0 1423 (-12) 288 (0)
Volondemort Human Маг 1366920 186069 0 1 1423 (-12) 288 (0)