
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 18 14 / 4 77 --
Season 124 93 / 31 75 1944
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
132834 Lose 1739 (-23) 2019-04-16 2:04 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bób Undead Маг 527618 88770 1 0 1847 (+29) 1847 (+29)
Skelemi Troll Друид 983829 565849 0 0 1848 (+29) 1852 (+29)
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 846381 569289 0 0 1766 (-25) 1739 (-23)
Zampu Dwarf Охотник 107940 15036 0 1 1873 (-12) 1833 (-28)
132826 Win 1762 (+11) 2019-04-16 2:05 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 994891 316586 2 0 1791 (+9) 1762 (+11)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 718400 15547 0 0 1764 (+10) 1642 (+17)
Human Паладин 266808 309763 0 1 1469 (-10) 1525 (-12)
Hotspot Human Жрец 204569 271552 0 1 1439 (-8) 1266 (0)
132819 Lose 1751 (-21) 2019-04-16 2:00 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 578065 698518 1 0 1864 (+24) 1863 (+24)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 841302 13804 0 0 1881 (+23) 1879 (+23)
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 611967 777740 0 1 1782 (-24) 1751 (-21)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 268929 15547 0 0 1754 (-21) 1625 (0)
132818 Win 1772 (+10) 2019-04-16 1:30 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 926556 0 1 0 1806 (+9) 1772 (+10)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 365452 11660 1 0 1775 (+10) 1625 (+19)
Крепостнойй Human Воин 423918 8337 0 1 1460 (-9) 1056 (0)
Кончай Human Паладин 0 162866 0 1 1467 (-9) 1482 (-10)
132817 Lose 1762 (-24) 2019-04-16 1:50 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 400734 777989 0 0 1840 (+27) 1839 (+27)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 550159 3426 1 0 1858 (+26) 1856 (+26)
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 509369 301765 0 1 1797 (-27) 1762 (-24)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 295680 0 0 0 1765 (-24) 1606 (0)
132814 Lose 1786 (-27) 2019-04-16 2:25 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 909893 1141907 1 0 1813 (+31) 1812 (+31)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 1087434 51504 1 0 1832 (+30) 1830 (+30)
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 949198 581007 0 1 1824 (-28) 1786 (-27)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 801301 46641 0 1 1789 (-27) 1606 (0)
132813 Win 1813 (+9) 2019-04-16 1:38 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 1026840 294620 1 0 1852 (+8) 1813 (+9)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 455165 31094 1 0 1816 (+9) 1606 (+20)
Крепостнойй Human Воин 602633 18756 0 1 1469 (-7) 1056 (0)
Кончай Human Паладин 9492 356886 0 1 1476 (-8) 1492 (-8)
132812 Win 1804 (+31) 2019-04-16 3:13 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 722894 1182324 0 1 1844 (+28) 1804 (+31)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 1600532 46641 2 0 1807 (+30) 1586 (+44)
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 829167 1093062 1 1 1782 (-27) 1781 (-27)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 1715014 164943 0 1 1802 (-28) 1800 (-27)
132810 Lose 1773 (-34) 2019-04-16 2:33 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Minerals Night Elf Друид 218598 772537 1 0 1552 (+46) 384 (+96)
Maelyn Human Паладин 928316 626890 0 0 1636 (+42) 1623 (+43)
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 1423267 235494 0 0 1816 (-35) 1773 (-34)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 741839 31094 0 1 1777 (-34) 1542 (-27)
132808 Win 1807 (+32) 2019-04-16 1:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hojbtwxd Human Паладин 873478 484809 1 0 1851 (+29) 1807 (+32)
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 568722 11393 0 0 1811 (+31) 1569 (+83)
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 317066 753234 0 1 1799 (-27) 1798 (-27)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 419754 0 0 0 1821 (-28) 1818 (-28)