
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 7 4 / 3 57 --
Season 14 9 / 5 64 864
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
112462 Lose 864 (0) 2019-07-09 4:43 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
8301779 1493344 75288 2 0 1748 (+29) 1748 (+29)
8514116 137919 1403131 0 0 1811 (+24) 1760 (+28)
Framezz Human Жрец 1112774 316039 0 1 1640 (-20) 864 (0)
Forcex Human Разбойник 906127 0 0 1 1789 (-29) 1750 (-27)
112456 Win 864 (+96) 2019-07-09 1:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 608911 85534 2 0 1660 (+21) 864 (+96)
Forcex Human Разбойник 643245 0 0 0 1818 (+11) 1777 (+14)
8348329 31073 0 0 1 1564 (-17) 1580 (-18)
8630165 154605 18303 0 1 1486 (-12) 960 (0)
112436 Win 768 (+96) 2019-07-09 3:27 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 1029439 863491 2 0 1639 (+36) 768 (+96)
Forcex Human Разбойник 1715464 129712 0 0 1807 (+24) 1763 (+27)
Batgirl Blood Elf Маг 1224901 96237 0 1 1711 (-28) 1707 (-28)
Edulol Blood Elf Паладин 17416 1250753 0 1 1684 (-27) 1670 (-27)
112421 Lose 672 (0) 2019-07-09 3:31 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sèxydevil Human Воин 2446032 0 2 0 1642 (+34) 384 (+96)
Toomerz Human Паладин 131966 1814854 0 0 1771 (+25) 1239 (+91)
Framezz Human Жрец 894634 1095370 0 1 1603 (-23) 672 (0)
Forcex Human Разбойник 1099919 312337 0 1 1783 (-12) 1736 (-29)
112406 Win 672 (+96) 2019-07-09 2:41 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 1242718 453568 1 0 1626 (+25) 672 (+96)
Forcex Human Разбойник 1344856 27704 1 0 1795 (+14) 1765 (+16)
5485906 25609 1222444 0 1 1522 (-16) 1536 (-17)
6241859 955609 288401 0 1 1583 (-21) 1558 (-19)
112396 Lose 576 (0) 2019-07-09 1:56 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 668362 237757 1 0 1967 (+12) 1967 (+12)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 440214 0 0 0 1968 (+12) 1967 (+12)
Framezz Human Жрец 228594 304933 0 1 1601 (-7) 576 (0)
Forcex Human Разбойник 376328 0 0 0 1781 (-16) 1749 (-14)
112383 Win 576 (+96) 2019-07-09 1:49 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 737448 0 0 0 1608 (+30) 576 (+96)
Forcex Human Разбойник 898849 0 2 0 1797 (+17) 1763 (+19)
5485906 0 349158 0 1 1556 (-19) 1572 (-21)
6241859 21421 89451 0 1 1627 (-25) 1598 (-23)
100443 Win 480 (+96) 2019-07-04 2:28 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Precious Human Маг 962458 36773 1 0 1556 (+22) 384 (+96)
Framezz Human Жрец 906572 105433 1 0 1578 (+21) 480 (+96)
Murderchild Human Жрец 133208 836041 0 1 1438 (-21) 480 (0)
Corychamp Human Маг 135495 134540 0 1 1438 (-21) 480 (0)
100442 Win 384 (+96) 2019-07-04 2:14 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Precious Human Маг 1591426 17646 0 0 1534 (+26) 288 (+96)
Framezz Human Жрец 684367 61826 2 0 1557 (+24) 384 (+96)
Murderchild Human Жрец 3563 1315347 0 1 1459 (-24) 480 (0)
Corychamp Human Маг 273364 99386 0 1 1459 (-24) 480 (0)
100437 Win 288 (+96) 2019-07-04 1:51 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Precious Human Маг 608953 128330 1 0 1508 (+15) 192 (+96)
Framezz Human Жрец 638110 228959 1 0 1533 (+14) 288 (+96)
Erne Undead Разбойник 557277 0 0 1 1207 (-9) 1266 (-12)
Arkahunt Human Охотник 330893 0 0 1 1375 (-19) 1343 (-17)