
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 2 0 / 2 0 --
Season 90 48 / 42 53 1498
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
434489 Win 1526 (+11) 2017-08-11 2:49 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smooches Human Охотник 355077 0 0 1 1653 (+7) 1526 (+11)
Immortal Orc Разбойник 1390220 223232 2 0 1776 (+7) 1726 (+7)
Srsombras Blood Elf Чернокнижник 1188252 393165 1 1 1324 (-6) 1403 (-6)
Soulkalibur Undead Жрец 129732 93199 0 1 1531 (-6) 1331 (-5)
430269 Lose 1515 (-4) 2017-08-10 2:17 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
害羞的 Human Разбойник 883392 0 1 0 1852 (+9) 1855 (+10)
Hawkowl Night Elf Друид 669271 909891 1 0 1962 (+9) 1850 (+10)
Smooches Human Охотник 195136 0 0 1 1646 (-8) 1515 (-4)
Falentine Human Воин 975023 99855 0 1 1807 (-8) 1634 (-6)
430259 Lose 1519 (-8) 2017-08-10 2:06 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øutmageøus Human Маг 1190300 90064 2 0 1725 (+13) 1687 (+14)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 233307 113911 0 1 1700 (+13) 1681 (+14)
Smooches Human Охотник 444968 0 1 1 1654 (-12) 1519 (-8)
Falentine Human Воин 610619 159782 0 1 1815 (-12) 1640 (-10)
414393 Lose 1527 (-3) 2017-08-07 1:30 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Oakiedokie Worgen Друид 700577 0 1 0 1995 (+6) 1950 (+7)
Piratm5C218F Human Чернокнижник 492190 0 1 0 2016 (+6) 2048 (+6)
Smooches Human Охотник 0 0 0 1 1666 (-5) 1527 (-3)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 0 0 0 1 1687 (-5) 1667 (-5)
414342 Lose 1530 (-6) 2017-08-07 16:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lyme Pandaren Монах 285110 12482730 0 0 1800 (+10) 1535 (+16)
Sabiinka Draenei Шаман 16328663 1900038 2 0 1828 (+10) 1767 (+11)
Smooches Human Охотник 14145350 0 0 1 1671 (-9) 1530 (-6)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 8880 13186574 0 1 1692 (-9) 1672 (-9)
414326 Lose 1536 (-6) 2017-08-07 9:49 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lyme Pandaren Монах 305182 7802740 0 0 1790 (+11) 1519 (+17)
Sabiinka Draenei Шаман 10080862 1243483 2 0 1818 (+11) 1756 (+12)
Smooches Human Охотник 8987867 0 0 1 1680 (-10) 1536 (-6)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 31790 7700968 0 1 1701 (-10) 1681 (-9)
414322 Lose 1542 (-12) 2017-08-07 1:34 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Champeta Orc Шаман 888407 146281 2 0 1738 (+17) 1612 (+15)
Mute Orc Разбойник 310242 0 0 0 1319 (+17) 1206 (+30)
Smooches Human Охотник 174420 0 0 1 1690 (-16) 1542 (-12)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 2202 31698 0 1 1711 (-16) 1690 (-15)
414318 Win 1554 (+16) 2017-08-07 2:26 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smooches Human Охотник 1526521 0 1 0 1706 (+13) 1554 (+16)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 6642 1404973 0 0 1727 (+13) 1705 (+13)
2307847 1499984 850758 0 1 1710 (-12) 1657 (-11)
6502832 0 0 0 0 1792 (-12) 1717 (-12)
414310 Lose 1538 (-4) 2017-08-07 1:40 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Oakiedokie Worgen Друид 349000 110387 2 0 1955 (+8) 1905 (+9)
Piratm5C218F Human Чернокнижник 910648 405507 0 0 1976 (+8) 2012 (+7)
Smooches Human Охотник 624884 0 0 1 1693 (-7) 1538 (-4)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 0 0 0 1 1714 (-7) 1692 (-6)
414306 Win 1542 (+15) 2017-08-07 2:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smooches Human Охотник 2346634 0 2 0 1700 (+11) 1542 (+15)
Holytrollz Human Жрец 6084 931435 0 0 1721 (+11) 1698 (+12)
Baka Human Охотник 1352644 64225 0 1 1644 (-10) 1629 (-10)
Серёжаходж Human Паладин 0 865540 0 1 1617 (-10) 1566 (-9)