
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 24 11 / 13 45 --
Season 32 17 / 15 53 1475
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
193335 Lose 1475 (0) 2020-01-07 5:34 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skyphoenixp Human Паладин 703553 3217219 1 0 1756 (+18) 1748 (+19)
Itscub Human Воин 2996604 0 1 0 1689 (+23) 1375 (+80)
Trappedx Human Охотник 1768274 0 0 1 1583 (-20) 1475 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 1462105 1651638 0 1 1572 (-19) 1517 (-15)
193328 Win 1475 (+23) 2020-01-07 1:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trappedx Human Охотник 254542 0 0 0 1603 (+15) 1475 (+23)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 781598 37547 2 0 1591 (+15) 1532 (+19)
Чикушечка Worgen Друид 5299 0 0 1 1416 (-17) 0 (0)
Махариэль Night Elf Друид 150813 19506 0 1 1325 (-11) 384 (0)
193317 Lose 1452 (0) 2020-01-07 2:09 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Roflanix Human Паладин 809135 826401 1 0 1726 (+20) 1724 (+21)
Roflaned Human Охотник 938318 13900 1 0 1717 (+21) 1717 (+21)
Trappedx Human Охотник 512909 0 0 1 1588 (-20) 1452 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 470435 443834 0 1 1576 (-19) 1513 (-15)
193300 Lose 1452 (0) 2020-01-07 5:08 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mereline Human Монах 1029192 3542194 2 0 1644 (+29) 1628 (+30)
Topkekx Human Воин 4249185 0 0 0 1556 (+35) 192 (+96)
Trappedx Human Охотник 1974014 0 0 1 1608 (-29) 1452 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 1693197 3230448 0 1 1595 (-28) 1528 (-26)
193292 Win 1452 (+78) 2020-01-07 1:43 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trappedx Human Охотник 545365 0 0 0 1637 (+30) 1452 (+78)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 710640 88913 2 0 1623 (+31) 1554 (+36)
352308 278850 47090 0 1 1631 (-28) 1641 (-29)
3119065 0 0 0 1 1611 (-28) 1616 (-28)
193277 Lose 1374 (0) 2020-01-07 2:52 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Маг 590250 273511 1 0 1852 (+14) 1852 (+14)
Arciel Human Разбойник 1291351 111528 1 0 1770 (+18) 1745 (+20)
Trappedx Human Охотник 1016393 0 0 1 1607 (-15) 1374 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 273190 418787 0 1 1592 (-14) 1518 (-10)
193263 Win 1374 (+61) 2020-01-07 3:43 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trappedx Human Охотник 2168651 0 1 0 1622 (+16) 1374 (+61)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 2151829 2255053 1 0 1606 (+16) 1528 (+22)
Troll Друид 2586715 1607404 0 1 1466 (-19) 0 (0)
8551499 786631 1167549 0 1 1344 (-12) 1446 (-18)
193254 Lose 1313 (0) 2020-01-07 2:08 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixbtw Human Охотник 1649429 19646 2 0 1594 (+32) 1597 (+31)
Tmalex Human Паладин 693602 957067 0 0 1734 (+21) 1734 (+21)
Trappedx Human Охотник 601701 0 0 1 1606 (-26) 1313 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 682975 981718 0 1 1590 (-25) 1506 (-19)
193242 Lose 1313 (0) 2020-01-07 2:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Seelenaa Human Паладин 1195818 1270512 2 0 1808 (+17) 1543 (+67)
Душичка Human Охотник 1276566 16198 0 0 1947 (+10) 1943 (+10)
Trappedx Human Охотник 529344 0 0 1 1632 (-13) 1313 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 904448 1087925 0 1 1615 (-12) 1525 (-8)
193225 Lose 1313 (0) 2020-01-07 3:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
352308 2431302 670002 1 0 1628 (+32) 1644 (+31)
3119065 98778 1494188 1 0 1601 (+34) 1609 (+34)
Trappedx Human Охотник 1369040 0 0 1 1645 (-29) 1313 (0)
Leeroyy Human Паладин 1146994 1086427 0 1 1627 (-29) 1533 (-25)