
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 1 / 2 33 --
Season 124 93 / 31 75 2127
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
210822 Win 2127 (+9) 2019-08-25 6:26 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trappedx Human Охотник 7649275 155888 2 0 2155 (+8) 2127 (+9)
Wadllemax Night Elf Друид 1643577 5362076 0 0 2273 (+4) 2234 (+4)
Swenda Human Воин 4915707 150575 0 1 1742 (-4) 672 (0)
Zeurs Human Монах 1423582 8044702 0 1 1848 (-7) 1844 (-7)
207403 Lose 2118 (-10) 2019-08-23 3:29 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smauwg Human Монах 707388 3509884 1 0 2473 (+6) 2466 (+6)
Tenshi Human Рыцарь Смерти 3063942 1261297 1 0 2363 (+9) 2363 (+9)
Trappedx Human Охотник 2247838 124254 0 1 2147 (-11) 2118 (-10)
Jaedun Human Паладин 1893118 1941843 0 1 2060 (-7) 1945 (0)
207369 Lose 2128 (-11) 2019-08-23 10:51 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smauwg Human Монах 2377281 18209758 2 0 2467 (+6) 2460 (+7)
Tenshi Human Рыцарь Смерти 9691809 1560666 0 0 2354 (+10) 2354 (+10)
Trappedx Human Охотник 10998376 929261 0 1 2158 (-12) 2128 (-11)
Jaedun Human Паладин 7427983 8055598 0 1 2067 (-8) 1945 (0)
195144 Lose 2139 (-27) 2019-08-17 3:30 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
4244801 1475061 151476 0 0 2092 (+26) 2066 (+28)
8310716 1810675 1767651 1 0 2256 (+11) 2244 (+12)
Trappedx Human Охотник 1992030 0 0 1 2170 (-28) 2139 (-27)
Jairia Human Жрец 7782 2019678 0 0 1894 (-11) 1435 (0)
195142 Lose 2166 (-28) 2019-08-17 2:09 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
4244801 806204 42700 0 0 2066 (+30) 2038 (+32)
8310716 798959 382106 2 0 2245 (+13) 2232 (+13)
Trappedx Human Охотник 605130 0 0 1 2198 (-21) 2166 (-28)
Jairia Human Жрец 0 226248 0 1 1905 (-13) 1435 (0)
195139 Win 2194 (+26) 2019-08-17 3:00 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trappedx Human Охотник 1723407 0 1 0 2219 (+25) 2194 (+26)
Jairia Human Жрец 0 1135109 0 0 1918 (+44) 1435 (+95)
4244801 1226899 151091 0 1 2036 (-12) 2006 (-26)
8310716 779642 898516 0 0 2232 (-25) 2219 (-24)
195134 Lose 2168 (-29) 2019-08-17 2:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
4244801 503566 46500 1 0 2048 (+30) 2032 (+31)
8310716 669394 279641 0 0 2257 (+11) 2243 (+12)
Trappedx Human Охотник 389626 191746 0 1 2194 (-21) 2168 (-29)
Jairia Human Жрец 0 100148 0 0 1874 (-11) 1340 (0)
195131 Lose 2197 (-22) 2019-08-17 2:12 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
4244801 799788 42700 1 0 2018 (+33) 2001 (+34)
8310716 881182 305924 0 0 2246 (+12) 2231 (+13)
Trappedx Human Охотник 778183 143810 0 1 2215 (-22) 2197 (-22)
Jairia Human Жрец 0 493471 0 0 1885 (-13) 1340 (0)
187571 Lose 2219 (-11) 2019-08-13 16:35 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazmvp Human Воин 18863571 117116 1 0 2456 (+12) 2434 (+13)
Cøøde Human Монах 1802586 13483860 0 0 2400 (+15) 2399 (+15)
Trappedx Human Охотник 13702669 0 0 1 2237 (-12) 2219 (-11)
Astral Orc Шаман 412600 18486525 0 0 2270 (-13) 2247 (-12)
187540 Lose 2230 (-12) 2019-08-13 12:55 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazmvp Human Воин 15181898 0 1 0 2444 (+13) 2421 (+14)
Cøøde Human Монах 2145159 16566030 0 0 2385 (+16) 2384 (+16)
Trappedx Human Охотник 16713808 0 0 1 2249 (-13) 2230 (-12)
Astral Orc Шаман 68323 14417793 0 0 2283 (-14) 2259 (-13)