
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 4 1 / 3 25 --
Season 144 81 / 63 56 1623
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
249316 Lose 1657 (-15) 2017-12-04 2:31 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skillq Human Охотник 458951 25917 1 0 1517 (+17) 96 (+96)
Galaxynéé Human Разбойник 945746 0 1 0 1554 (+17) 1443 (+18)
Sthlm Human Жрец 7243 33002 0 1 1719 (-16) 1657 (-15)
Palmfacex Human Разбойник 422085 0 0 1 1702 (-16) 1701 (-16)
249291 Lose 1672 (-12) 2017-12-04 3:18 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Clickopeenis Human Монах 1797728 444265 1 0 1561 (+14) 1301 (+22)
Gordonslay Human Жрец 91878 2266454 0 0 1815 (+14) 1752 (+12)
Sthlm Human Жрец 1645325 426918 0 0 1735 (-13) 1672 (-12)
Palmfacex Human Разбойник 1106982 71920 0 1 1718 (-13) 1717 (-13)
249267 Win 1684 (+13) 2017-12-04 3:18 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sthlm Human Жрец 1590854 755453 0 0 1748 (+12) 1684 (+13)
Palmfacex Human Разбойник 1170830 0 2 0 1731 (+12) 1730 (+12)
Clickopeenis Human Монах 693391 213976 0 1 1547 (-11) 1279 (-4)
Gordonslay Human Жрец 134701 1183993 0 1 1801 (-11) 1740 (-12)
249247 Win 1671 (+12) 2017-12-04 2:18 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sthlm Human Жрец 1214026 434023 2 0 1736 (+11) 1671 (+12)
Palmfacex Human Разбойник 1065910 0 0 0 1719 (+11) 1718 (+11)
Choouzzxjk Human Монах 452508 317218 0 1 1521 (-10) 1255 (-3)
Juiceqt Dwarf Шаман 8646 521431 0 1 1722 (-10) 1426 (-6)
240543 Lose 1659 (-13) 2017-12-03 2:42 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Plebbunny Human Маг 2483414 0 2 0 1544 (+16) 384 (+96)
Jumpman Dwarf Паладин 425150 1571701 0 0 1674 (+16) 1380 (+20)
Sthlm Human Жрец 1507215 317174 0 1 1725 (-12) 1659 (-13)
Escapeqt Human Монах 83385 1354777 0 1 1740 (-15) 1509 (-10)
240527 Win 1672 (+10) 2017-12-03 15:06 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sthlm Human Жрец 16877624 1640055 2 0 1737 (+8) 1672 (+10)
Escapeqt Human Монах 670879 8671060 0 0 1755 (+8) 1519 (+13)
Tuprimagg Dwarf Шаман 9070267 2830949 0 1 1513 (-7) 1313 (-4)
Cmarmol Human Паладин 313826 12970013 0 1 1540 (-12) 1278 (-3)
240523 Lose 1662 (-8) 2017-12-03 1:55 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 853032 552226 2 0 1952 (+12) 1894 (+11)
Djpeacin Human Маг 649933 179973 0 1 1774 (+12) 1763 (+14)
Sthlm Human Жрец 152807 144622 0 1 1729 (-12) 1662 (-8)
Teachmereed Human Монах 1715663 381125 1 1 1869 (-11) 1774 (-10)
240518 Lose 1670 (-8) 2017-12-03 2:07 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Framezz Human Жрец 917948 804227 1 0 1940 (+12) 1883 (+11)
Djpeacin Human Маг 1295779 119857 1 0 1762 (+12) 1749 (+14)
Sthlm Human Жрец 548323 599413 0 1 1741 (-11) 1670 (-8)
Teachmereed Human Монах 605478 632405 0 1 1880 (-11) 1784 (-11)
240514 Win 1678 (+9) 2017-12-03 2:48 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sthlm Human Жрец 273052 58328 0 1 1752 (+6) 1678 (+9)
Teachmereed Human Монах 2149068 782730 2 0 1891 (+6) 1795 (+7)
Kraby Human Паладин 432392 306858 0 1 1425 (-5) 1499 (-5)
Pulpo Draenei Шаман 1142323 391368 1 1 1536 (-5) 1556 (-6)
220377 Lose 1669 (-8) 2017-11-29 1:56 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Pinkprint Human Паладин 84434 558285 0 0 1801 (+9) 1585 (+14)
Greaper Human Рыцарь Смерти 1519948 8221 1 0 1876 (+9) 1658 (+13)
Sthlm Human Жрец 460479 73309 0 0 1746 (-8) 1669 (-8)
Dwarf Шаман 33394 283330 0 1 1569 (-8) 1184 (-2)