
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 6 4 / 2 66 --
Season 32 17 / 15 53 1499
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
259154 Lose 1499 (-7) 2018-08-18 2:46 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Consumed Undead Жрец 2238546 59844 1 0 1749 (+19) 1235 (+88)
Softcorpse Night Elf Друид 214264 2180187 1 0 2076 (+5) 1951 (+9)
Keepburningz Human Маг 1470199 21038 1 0 1833 (+14) 1720 (+21)
Hotplox Human Паладин 60964 2072732 0 1 1688 (-12) 1499 (-7)
Psyc Human Разбойник 972174 137702 0 1 1548 (-8) 192 (0)
Тупаябаба Orc Воин 1424871 13350 0 1 1548 (-12) 480 (0)
259132 Lose 1506 (-27) 2018-08-18 2:22 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
1709653 1202183 363827 1 0 1541 (+41) 96 (+96)
Leeyya Draenei Монах 32120 1355527 0 0 1530 (+42) 96 (+96)
Psyc Human Разбойник 977058 0 1 0 1556 (+41) 192 (+96)
Hotplox Human Паладин 4863 719871 0 1 1700 (-34) 1506 (-27)
Saorey Dwarf Шаман 669236 185143 0 1 1547 (-29) 288 (0)
Keepburningz Human Маг 1216935 0 0 0 1819 (-37) 1699 (-34)
259121 Win 1533 (+69) 2018-08-18 2:23 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hotplox Human Паладин 38852 1655291 0 0 1734 (+23) 1533 (+69)
Kitanah Night Elf Друид 933471 431000 0 0 1739 (+23) 1693 (+26)
Zorøaster Dwarf Шаман 1390029 476676 2 0 1549 (+36) 864 (+96)
1416552 2403 757134 0 0 1575 (-12) 576 (0)
Kugaz Night Elf Друид 1611016 230358 0 1 1461 (-16) 0 (0)
Keepburningz Human Маг 1295922 0 0 1 1856 (-12) 1733 (-30)
259097 Win 1464 (+66) 2018-08-17 4:56 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hotplox Human Паладин 89697 7161316 0 0 1711 (+18) 1464 (+66)
Kitanah Night Elf Друид 3651195 701621 0 0 1716 (+18) 1667 (+21)
Pillarlord Dwarf Шаман 3994750 1103495 1 0 1717 (+18) 1227 (+86)
1416552 5592 4366622 0 0 1587 (-12) 576 (0)
Zorøaster Dwarf Шаман 4549058 885535 0 0 1513 (-16) 768 (0)
6049754 4231358 1475878 0 1 1510 (-15) 96 (0)
259072 Win 1398 (+84) 2018-08-17 4:19 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hotplox Human Паладин 338499 3159433 0 0 1693 (+29) 1398 (+84)
Randomostrom Undead Маг 2566589 50039 1 0 1494 (+42) 96 (+96)
Тупаябаба Orc Воин 1640504 0 0 0 1572 (+37) 480 (+96)
1416552 19603 2179889 0 0 1599 (-29) 576 (0)
Kitanah Night Elf Друид 3254470 1173137 0 1 1698 (-12) 1646 (-30)
Pillarlord Dwarf Шаман 25926 0 0 0 1699 (-12) 1141 (-6)
259058 Win 1314 (+78) 2018-08-17 2:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hotplox Human Паладин 156465 2358677 0 0 1664 (+19) 1314 (+78)
Consumed Undead Жрец 2807027 70269 1 0 1665 (+19) 959 (+96)
Saorey Dwarf Шаман 2277047 111808 2 0 1535 (+28) 192 (+96)
Zorøaster Dwarf Шаман 0 2999249 0 1 1480 (-20) 672 (0)
6049754 1510850 318763 0 1 1476 (-12) 0 (0)
Тупаябаба Orc Воин 1028828 29368 0 1 1535 (-12) 384 (0)
242673 Lose 1236 (0) 2018-08-13 1:54 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Næk Human Охотник 385611 0 0 0 1534 (+34) 96 (+96)
8412013 1323997 282624 3 0 2006 (+6) 1894 (+10)
8452087 0 509502 0 0 1643 (+26) 1055 (+96)
Hotplox Human Паладин 0 140574 0 1 1645 (-24) 1236 (0)
Даггер Night Elf Воин 194900 2593 0 1 1452 (-12) 0 (0)
Хрисаор Human Разбойник 610601 28539 0 1 1615 (-22) 1236 (0)
242657 Win 1236 (+89) 2018-08-13 3:18 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hotplox Human Паладин 102135 928876 1 0 1669 (+26) 1236 (+89)
Kitanah Night Elf Друид 2937066 20595 2 0 1696 (+24) 1505 (+70)
에로틱한 Human Рыцарь Смерти 3362205 89261 0 0 1540 (+35) 192 (+96)
1847972 379204 0 0 1 1481 (-19) 0 (0)
Bolted Human Чернокнижник 647247 65809 0 1 1714 (-31) 1629 (-28)
8452087 23026 5069321 0 1 1617 (-12) 959 (-1)
242633 Lose 1147 (0) 2018-08-13 5:00 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Raizix Human Жрец 157423 4170093 0 0 1869 (+14) 1651 (+29)
6567203 4713640 1574162 1 0 1799 (+18) 1750 (+22)
8412013 4707317 1318070 2 0 2000 (+8) 1884 (+13)
Hotplox Human Паладин 80373 5266073 0 1 1643 (-13) 1147 (0)
Phaeleh Human Монах 3102086 1098193 0 1 1572 (-9) 480 (0)
Kitanah Night Elf Друид 3850396 1555159 0 1 1672 (-12) 1435 (-5)
242623 Lose 1147 (0) 2018-08-13 2:14 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Priestorr Human Жрец 8948 125526 0 0 1677 (+29) 1638 (+32)
Skyforge Human Паладин 1408054 0 2 0 1758 (+23) 1467 (+78)
Хрисаор Human Разбойник 217966 0 0 0 1662 (+31) 1236 (+90)
Hotplox Human Паладин 0 368489 0 1 1656 (-27) 1147 (0)
Даггер Night Elf Воин 194829 0 0 1 1477 (-15) 0 (0)
Jaja Orc Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1818 (-32) 1707 (-29)