
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 16 10 / 6 62 960
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
442060 Lose 960 (0) 2017-08-12 3:02 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
1263719 1932533 312490 2 0 1625 (+9) 1341 (+17)
Spicebaby Night Elf Друид 137929 3056168 0 0 1879 (+9) 1673 (+10)
6182989 2215069 261448 1 0 1656 (+9) 1355 (+16)
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 1425702 0 1 1569 (-8) 960 (0)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 1893845 441124 0 1 1526 (-8) 672 (0)
Wargodxx Human Воин 908162 45795 0 1 1468 (-8) 96 (0)
442037 Lose 960 (0) 2017-08-12 2:34 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Grishaop Human Чернокнижник 1383577 132549 2 0 1561 (+9) 576 (+96)
Durthas Orc Воин 1990216 34612 1 0 1872 (+9) 1808 (+7)
Digitalpesox Orc Шаман 27019 2770221 0 0 1759 (+9) 1763 (+8)
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 567673 0 1 1577 (-8) 960 (0)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 1918012 460899 0 1 1534 (-8) 672 (0)
Wargodxx Human Воин 1365358 201396 0 1 1476 (-8) 96 (0)
442022 Lose 960 (0) 2017-08-12 1:56 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Grishaop Human Чернокнижник 1450456 113224 3 0 1552 (+9) 480 (+96)
Durthas Orc Воин 1234071 0 0 0 1863 (+9) 1801 (+8)
Digitalpesox Orc Шаман 13733 2029290 0 0 1750 (+9) 1755 (+8)
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 327928 0 1 1585 (-8) 960 (0)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 1436142 156418 0 1 1542 (-8) 672 (0)
Wargodxx Human Воин 841500 177990 0 1 1484 (-8) 96 (0)
441999 Lose 960 (0) 2017-08-12 3:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Grishaop Human Чернокнижник 3733580 435370 1 0 1543 (+9) 384 (+96)
Durthas Orc Воин 3999276 130897 2 0 1854 (+9) 1793 (+8)
Digitalpesox Orc Шаман 0 4355281 0 0 1741 (+9) 1747 (+9)
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 4740192 0 1 1593 (-8) 960 (0)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 4578053 400997 0 1 1550 (-8) 672 (0)
Wargodxx Human Воин 2667925 272477 0 1 1492 (-8) 96 (0)
441978 Win 960 (+96) 2017-08-12 2:55 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 1868938 0 0 1601 (+11) 960 (+96)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 2999855 50612 0 0 1558 (+11) 672 (+96)
Wargodxx Human Воин 2466771 212626 3 0 1500 (+11) 96 (+96)
Naturehit Night Elf Друид 0 3671532 0 1 1466 (-10) 480 (0)
Æxy Human Жрец 1326051 319004 0 1 1497 (-10) 384 (0)
Auslogics Human Маг 2120152 112009 0 1 1448 (-10) 576 (0)
371204 Win 864 (+96) 2017-07-30 2:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 2640044 0 0 1590 (+10) 864 (+96)
Whiteskillx Human Охотник 2930326 0 0 0 1540 (+10) 960 (+96)
Snackin Human Воин 1824142 0 3 0 1533 (+10) 576 (+96)
Øutmageøus Human Маг 1838833 0 0 1 1548 (-12) 1298 (-7)
Swdbotxz Human Жрец 3710 2379898 0 1 1481 (-9) 288 (0)
Wotanist Night Elf Друид 1454996 527916 0 1 1394 (-9) 767 (0)
371193 Win 768 (+96) 2017-07-30 2:44 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 2024311 0 0 1580 (+12) 768 (+96)
Whiteskillx Human Охотник 2102029 0 2 0 1530 (+12) 864 (+96)
Snackin Human Воин 1516506 0 1 0 1523 (+12) 480 (+96)
Øutmageøus Human Маг 1518381 90064 0 1 1560 (-11) 1305 (-7)
Swdbotxz Human Жрец 11165 1179205 0 1 1490 (-11) 288 (0)
Wotanist Night Elf Друид 994078 494278 0 1 1403 (-11) 767 (0)
371090 Win 672 (+96) 2017-07-30 2:44 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 1495318 0 0 1568 (+12) 672 (+96)
Whiteskillx Human Охотник 3255017 0 2 0 1507 (+12) 480 (+96)
Snackin Human Воин 1922602 0 1 0 1500 (+12) 96 (+96)
Øutmageøus Human Маг 342780 0 0 1 1572 (-11) 1293 (-7)
Swdbotxz Human Жрец 18343 2224753 0 1 1502 (-11) 96 (0)
Wotanist Night Elf Друид 2053462 774503 0 1 1414 (-11) 576 (0)
371054 Lose 576 (0) 2017-07-30 2:37 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øutmageøus Human Маг 2743795 108077 1 0 1583 (+13) 1300 (+18)
Swdbotxz Human Жрец 56251 4705838 0 0 1513 (+13) 96 (+96)
Wotanist Night Elf Друид 2743200 221406 1 0 1425 (+13) 576 (+96)
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 2482871 0 0 1556 (-12) 576 (0)
Whiteskillx Human Охотник 2345788 0 0 1 1495 (-12) 384 (0)
Snackin Human Воин 2361015 162676 0 1 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
369245 Win 576 (+96) 2017-07-29 2:03 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Weedvendor Dwarf Шаман 0 1847766 0 0 1568 (+11) 576 (+96)
Moomoomoo Tauren Рыцарь Смерти 1398104 170064 2 0 1531 (+11) 288 (+96)
Human Монах 1851464 191500 1 0 1653 (+11) 1239 (+23)
Ostosgetapal Dwarf Паладин 0 1167973 0 1 1480 (-10) 0 (0)
Gingerpaw Night Elf Друид 529005 123881 0 1 1480 (-10) 0 (0)
Mikewasowski Human Воин 1390799 12636 0 1 1480 (-10) 0 (0)