
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 0 0 / 0 0 0
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
62930 Win 1997 (+8) 2020-05-05 2:20 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 1286000 17783 2 0 2108 (+5) 1997 (+8)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 5774 773152 0 0 2197 (+3) 2068 (+6)
Lightðawn Human Паладин 150317 101548 0 1 1672 (-4) 1556 (0)
Batdenger Human Воин 513703 93492 0 1 1594 (-3) 576 (0)
62908 Win 1989 (+30) 2020-05-05 3:43 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 3253960 129287 1 0 2103 (+22) 1989 (+30)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 7057 2458820 0 0 2194 (+16) 2062 (+25)
Jonnyxo Human Жрец 5615 2324490 0 0 1993 (-19) 1993 (-19)
Funnyheroy Human Маг 2747694 343485 0 1 1962 (-17) 1962 (-17)
62883 Win 1959 (+34) 2020-05-05 5:45 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 5235674 709612 1 0 2081 (+25) 1959 (+34)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 116327 5400248 0 0 2178 (+18) 2037 (+28)
Jonnyxo Human Жрец 124874 4259174 0 0 2012 (-21) 2012 (-21)
Funnyheroy Human Маг 6214878 574132 0 1 1979 (-19) 1979 (-19)
62867 Win 1925 (+37) 2020-05-05 3:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 3292324 472854 1 0 2056 (+28) 1925 (+37)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 15926 2144323 0 0 2160 (+21) 2009 (+32)
Jonnyxo Human Жрец 14951 2489906 0 0 2033 (-25) 2033 (-25)
Funnyheroy Human Маг 2930837 133211 0 1 1998 (-22) 1998 (-22)
62825 Win 1888 (+42) 2020-05-05 10:04 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 9913681 229130 1 0 2028 (+33) 1888 (+42)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 221497 9384545 0 0 2139 (+24) 1977 (+36)
Raizø Human Жрец 231985 6781615 0 0 2187 (-23) 2182 (-23)
Roromonkey Human Монах 9928662 2807132 0 1 1914 (-18) 1910 (-18)
62808 Win 1846 (+21) 2020-05-05 2:26 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 1905349 106409 2 0 1995 (+12) 1846 (+21)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 15530 1862727 0 0 2115 (+7) 1941 (+15)
Oldmstr Worgen Друид 830827 435155 0 1 1715 (-8) 1666 (-7)
Skillerjr Human Разбойник 1015810 7331 0 1 1715 (-8) 1666 (-7)
62770 Win 1825 (+39) 2020-05-05 5:25 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 4717460 384250 2 0 1983 (+28) 1825 (+39)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 301570 4643214 0 0 2108 (+19) 1926 (+33)
Neverdotx Human Чернокнижник 1869677 1276002 0 1 1921 (-21) 1907 (-20)
Roromonkey Human Монах 2811271 2346821 0 1 1969 (-25) 1965 (-24)
62760 Win 1786 (+43) 2020-05-05 3:59 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 4885646 252170 1 0 1955 (+32) 1786 (+43)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 462620 2656219 1 0 2089 (+23) 1893 (+37)
Neverdotx Human Чернокнижник 1607706 1809404 0 1 1942 (-25) 1927 (-24)
Roromonkey Human Монах 1537976 2259756 0 1 1994 (-27) 1989 (-27)
62740 Win 1743 (+46) 2020-05-05 4:19 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darude Human Маг 4517979 250826 2 0 1923 (+37) 1743 (+46)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 114618 3744188 0 0 2066 (+26) 1856 (+41)
Neverdotx Human Чернокнижник 1082718 1403129 0 1 1967 (-27) 1951 (-27)
Roromonkey Human Монах 3028802 2167135 0 1 2021 (-29) 2016 (-29)
62716 Lose 1697 (0) 2020-05-05 5:57 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Neverdotx Human Чернокнижник 3844747 1252467 1 0 1994 (+29) 1978 (+30)
Roromonkey Human Монах 2900818 4429866 0 0 2050 (+25) 2045 (+25)
Darude Human Маг 5634737 500886 0 0 1886 (-20) 1697 (0)
Хоочутебя Night Elf Жрец 158100 5716590 0 1 2040 (-29) 1815 (0)