
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 29 10 / 19 34 960
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
57210 Lose 960 (0) 2021-12-07 2:05 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
돈주고샀어요 Human Маг 1056295 16188 1 0 1570 (+24) 1570 (+24)
Babayaja Night Elf Друид 11358 1262274 0 0 1782 (+11) 1760 (+12)
Trapnotes Human Охотник 1154262 193464 1 0 1711 (+15) 1702 (+15)
Infeczz Human Жрец 652725 166751 0 1 1477 (-15) 960 (0)
Whizz Human Маг 637135 26740 0 1 1426 (-12) 0 (0)
Adely Night Elf Друид 0 643386 0 0 1546 (-19) 1555 (-20)
57205 Win 960 (+96) 2021-12-07 3:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Infeczz Human Жрец 2347089 331285 0 0 1492 (+35) 960 (+96)
Babayaja Night Elf Друид 8916 4306567 0 0 1749 (+17) 1724 (+18)
Trapnotes Human Охотник 2722586 1238406 1 0 1727 (+18) 1717 (+19)
돈주고샀어요 Human Маг 2025470 176742 0 1 1508 (-19) 1508 (-19)
Tessyh Human Чернокнижник 3414060 596819 0 0 1539 (-22) 1528 (-21)
Adely Night Elf Друид 0 3490001 0 0 1591 (-25) 1602 (-26)
57135 Lose 864 (0) 2021-12-07 1:46 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Saeed Human Жрец 0 581849 0 0 1538 (+26) 288 (+96)
Maloro Human Паладин 1108027 101049 1 0 1562 (+25) 192 (+96)
8852847 972438 17214 1 0 1763 (+12) 1763 (+12)
Infeczz Human Жрец 773532 0 0 1 1457 (-18) 864 (0)
Andsoitwasz Orc Охотник 81166 215488 0 0 1505 (-21) 1524 (-23)
Elpivo Tauren Друид 0 513165 0 1 1463 (-19) 1461 (-35)
57130 Lose 864 (0) 2021-12-07 3:43 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Andsoitwasz Orc Охотник 3051172 961540 1 0 1526 (+29) 1547 (+52)
Saeed Human Жрец 4163 2768213 0 0 1490 (+32) 96 (+96)
8852847 3213458 471601 1 0 1742 (+15) 1742 (+15)
Infeczz Human Жрец 1084987 933268 0 1 1475 (-22) 864 (0)
Takenote Human Монах 2997893 518812 0 0 1527 (-26) 1225 (0)
Elpivo Tauren Друид 344 3416113 0 1 1503 (-24) 1518 (-25)
56790 Win 864 (+96) 2021-12-06 7:48 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Infeczz Human Жрец 7435187 1645915 0 0 1497 (+33) 864 (+96)
Dmgmonster Troll Друид 8085882 525324 1 0 1583 (+27) 384 (+96)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 59715 8601499 0 0 1726 (+17) 1726 (+17)
Матьродная Night Elf Друид 32113 13281812 0 0 1478 (-21) 1526 (-25)
Cadelamago Human Маг 6642061 85675 0 0 1716 (-32) 1685 (-31)
Lanco Human Разбойник 4043892 1094169 0 1 1395 (-16) 0 (0)
56789 Lose 768 (0) 2021-12-06 1:05 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Infeczz Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1464 (0) 768 (0)
Матьродная Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1499 (0) 1551 (0)
Fight Human Воин 0 0 0 0 1810 (0) 1810 (0)
Estee Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1663 (0) 1594 (0)
Lanco Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1411 (0) 0 (0)
56766 Lose 768 (0) 2021-12-06 3:03 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ripmonster Night Elf Друид 2230071 387009 1 0 1640 (+28) 1570 (+33)
Cadelamago Human Маг 2345488 16346 0 0 1691 (+24) 1652 (+27)
Maeve Human Паладин 165608 3793790 1 0 1568 (+33) 1056 (+96)
Infeczz Human Жрец 1878265 632586 0 1 1464 (-18) 768 (0)
Fight Human Воин 2338324 9241 0 0 1731 (-31) 1731 (-31)
Elpivo Tauren Друид 2211 2574184 0 1 1590 (-27) 1609 (-27)
56651 Win 768 (+96) 2021-12-06 5:00 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Infeczz Human Жрец 4422421 1025654 0 0 1482 (+39) 768 (+96)
Acely Human Разбойник 2401104 214594 1 0 1747 (+20) 1747 (+20)
Rshamskill Dwarf Шаман 411245 6311670 0 0 1469 (+40) 288 (+96)
돈주고샀어요 Human Маг 3992642 134718 0 1 1587 (-29) 1587 (-29)
Izi Human Разбойник 3136355 189619 0 0 1563 (-28) 1528 (-27)
Derevenskiy Human Жрец 174468 5797906 0 0 1619 (-30) 672 (0)
49672 Lose 672 (0) 2021-11-25 1:35 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ssk Human Монах 529052 63182 0 0 1868 (+11) 1867 (+11)
Elpivo Tauren Друид 0 471621 0 0 1511 (+34) 1539 (+32)
8852847 722374 307329 1 0 1636 (+25) 1636 (+25)
Infeczz Human Жрец 345713 192221 0 1 1443 (-14) 672 (0)
Extenque Human Охотник 844387 263402 0 0 1654 (-28) 1670 (-28)
Shammeltoe Pandaren Шаман 8444 548480 0 0 1576 (-23) 960 (0)
49660 Lose 672 (0) 2021-11-25 1:38 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Underplaymw Human Монах 84071 45866 0 0 1673 (+22) 1633 (+25)
Ssügus Human Разбойник 324045 0 1 0 1590 (+28) 672 (+96)
Recktbull Human Паладин 998045 15052 1 0 1610 (+27) 1607 (+27)
Infeczz Human Жрец 12024 56755 0 1 1457 (-18) 672 (0)
Shear Dwarf Шаман 48894 103867 0 0 1776 (-33) 1738 (-32)
Elpivo Tauren Друид 0 20478 0 1 1424 (-16) 1406 (-29)